What is your position on AVs operating in San Francisco?

[ad_1] Leer en español 閱讀中文版 Welcome back to our “Meet the Candidates” series, where we ask the District 9 supervisorial hopefuls in the November 2024 election one question each week. Candidates are asked to answer questions on policy, ideology and more in 100 words or fewer. Answers are being published individually each week, but we…



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Welcome back to our “Meet the Candidates” series, where we ask the District 9 supervisorial hopefuls in the November 2024 election one question each week. Candidates are asked to answer questions on policy, ideology and more in 100 words or fewer.

Answers are being published individually each week, but we are also archiving the weekly series here.

If you know of other political events, let me know and I will add them to the post.

We will not post a question next week, but we will be back the week after.

I will be at Cafe de Olla (3388 19 St.) at 5. p.m. on Thursday September 6, to say hello and talk about the district, or you can email me at oscar.palma@missionlocal.com.

This week’s question: What is your position on automated vehicles operating in San Francisco? Do you have any safety concerns? Did you support Senator Cortese’s SB 915?.

A cartoon of District 9 supervisorial candidate Roberto Hernandez.

Roberto Hernandez

  • Job: CEO, Cultura y Arte Nativa de Las Americas (CANA).
  • Age: 67
  • Residency: Homeowner, born in the Mission in June 1956 and has not left
  • Transportation: Car and bicycle
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in sociology from University of San Francisco
  • Languages: English and Spanish

San Francisco is a city of innovation, with the benefits and opportunities that forward-thinking technology provides. At the same time, we value community safety and respect our workers by ensuring a just transition for those whose livelihoods are impacted by new technologies.  

I supported SB915 because I felt it struck the right balance between responsible deployment of autonomous vehicles and the need to ensure public safety and mitigated impact on workers, especially when it comes to union jobs in transportation and parcel delivery that have supported thousands of District 9 families.


Source: missionlocal.org