What is your position on AVs operating in San Francisco?

Leer en español 閱讀中文版Welcome back to our “Meet the Candidates” series, where we ask the District 9 supervisorial hopefuls in the November 2024 election one question each week. Candidates are asked to answer questions on policy, ideology and more in 100 words or fewer.Answers are being published individually each week, but we are also archiving the weekly series here.If you know of other political events, let me know and I will add them to the post. We will not post a question next week, but we will be back the week after.I will be at Cafe de Olla (3388 19 St.) at 5. p.m. on Thursday September 6, to say hello and talk about the district, or you can email me at This week’s question: What is your position on automated vehicles operating in San Francisco? Do you have any safety concerns? […]

A San Francisco Palestinian corner store clerk builds community

His wife’s chocolate chip cookies sit in a basket on the check-out counter. A faded magazine clipping of him and his three sons is tacked up between shelves of liquor. A sign outside encourages anyone who is hungry to inquire within, where a special rack of assorted foods is available for those in need. For Imad Shaheen, owner of Key Food Market in the Lower Haight, it all comes down to caring for his people. “It’s a community, more than just a business,” Shaheen said, speaking from behind the counter at his shop on the corner of Fillmore and Oak streets. “It started like just a business operation, but now you know everybody by name, know their family, know their stories … so it becomes a mixture of business and friendship.” Neighbors come to the shop to celebrate their birthdays, play a tune […]

San Francisco Rent Relief Tracker

This is the latest snapshot of financial assistance to San Franciscans with rent debt, which we have been tracking on this page since February. We publish updated figures each week, except in weeks when new data is unavailable. More than one month after statewide eviction protections expired on June 30, less than 4% of rent relief funds requested by San Francisco households remain unprocessed, with 55% of funds paid out.  Over 20,600 San Francisco households had asked for almost $340 million in rent and utility assistance from both state and local COVID-19 rent relief programs as of the week of July 11, government figures show. The amount requested declined 9% between April 11 and July 11 as the state continued to weed out ineligible applications. The state stopped accepting applications on March 31, more than a year after it opened […]

Smiles and squeals in San Francisco

It’s back to school day in San Francisco, and thousands of parents and children are waking up far earlier than they have all summer to start the 2024 year. The coming year will bring hardship: The school district is mulling closures, and parents across the city have voiced opposition and fear that their children’s campus will be on the chopping block. There are still too few teachers across the city, enrollment is declining, and the state has stepped in to manage a budget shortfall and propose cuts. But on Monday, it was mostly smiles and delighted squeals at the schoolhouse gates. Marshall Elementary At Marshall Elementary School at 1575 15th St., students and parents trickled into the front gates at 8:30 a.m. Kindergarteners took turns taking pictures in front of a blue-and-white poster reading “Bienvenidos,” surrounded by colored balloons. “I’m […]

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