Welcome back to our “Meet the Candidates” series, where we ask the District 9 supervisorial hopefuls in the November 2024 election one question each week. Candidates are asked to answer questions on policy, ideology and more in 100 words or fewer.
Answers are being published individually each week, but we are also archiving the weekly series here.
If you know of other political events, let me know and I will add them to the post.
We will not post a question next week, but we will be back the week after.
I will be at Pops Bar (2800 24th St.) at 5. p.m. on Thursday October 3, to say hello and talk about the district, or you can email me at oscar.palma@missionlocal.com.
This week’s question: Last month SFMTA canceled a biking and rolling open house in the Mission. They said they’ve heard from the neighborhood that this is not a top priority at the moment. Do you agree with that statement? What would you do to advocate for all resident’s needs and concerns?

Jackie Fielder
- Job: Nonprofit co-director at Stop the Money Pipeline. Former educator at San Francisco State University, co-founder of the San Francisco Public Bank Coalition. Democratic socialist.
- Age: 29
- Residency: Tenant, lived in District 9 September 2017 to June 2018, October 2019 to August 2020 ,and April 2021 to present
- Transportation: Public
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in public policy and master’s degree in sociology from Stanford University
- Languages: English and Spanish
There are definitely many urgent priorities in the Mission, from public safety, to homelessness, to housing. But also, this week [last week], SFMTA is hosting two open houses–one on Monday and one on Wednesday–about one of the most discussed issues in our neighborhood, the Valencia center bike lane, and I encourage everyone to go and make your voice heard. These are exactly the kind of open discussions we need in the community, and one thing I’d like to bring as Supervisor is a solid ombudsman or mediator to these discussions to help turn conflict into productive resolutions.
Endorsed by United Educators of SF (#1), Small Business Forward, SF Women’s Political Committee (#1), Bernal Heights Democratic Club, California Nurses Association… read more here.

Stephen Torres
- Job: Bartender at Twin Peaks Tavern, customer service at Flowercraft Nursery and freelance writer
- Age: 46
- Residency: Tenant, lived in District 9 summer 2001 to fall 2003, and returned in the summer 2010
- Transportation: Public
- Education: Moorpark Community College and San Francisco City College as work has permitted
- Languages: English and Spanish
I do disagree with this statement. Although a meeting regarding the Valencia bike lane did happen recently, this is hardly the only location that deserves attention.
Many in the district feel increasingly unsafe on sidewalks and roads because of the increase of motorized bikes, scooters, and illegal motorcycles. As we move toward a future that doesn’t center the auto in our city streets, we have to remember the intent is center and protect the pedestrian and accessibility and safety for all pedestrians.
Endorsed by: Former state Senator Mark Leno, District 9 supervisor Hillary Ronen, District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Harvey Milk Democratic Club (#2), National Union of Healthcare Workers… read more here

Jaime Gutierrez
- Job: Transit supervisor for SFMTA/Muni
- Age: 57
- Residency: Tenant, born in District 9 in 1967 and, except for three years spent in the Army, has resided here ever since
- Transportation: Bike
- Education: U.S. Army, City College of San Francisco, University of California, Berkeley
- Languages: English and Spanish
Gaslighting! The SFMTA is saying we know better. The mark of an organization that serves its citizens is an agency that listens and slowly presents its plans accordingly with integrity rather than ideology. It is absolutely necessary for all stakeholders to be satisfied. The walking public, riding public, merchants, neighbors, public transit, and automobile drivers must be on board to make something such as a bike lane or transit only lanes on city streets feasible for everyone. It cannot just be created and implemented overnight, The costs are high: loss of business, fiscal responsibility, and safety fall by the wayside!
Endorsed by: Transportation Workers Union Local 200 … read more here

Roberto Hernandez
- Job: CEO, Cultura y Arte Nativa de Las Americas (CANA).
- Age: 67
- Residency: Homeowner, born in the Mission in June 1956 and has not left
- Transportation: Car and bicycle
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in sociology from University of San Francisco
- Languages: English and Spanish
I’m a lifelong cyclist who grew up in D9 experiencing the joy of cruising our streets on two wheels. I want to ensure this continues across our district and city for generations to come.
I wouldn’t have canceled the biking-and-rolling event. Even if it is not the chief priority, it is still an issue that matters, and residents deserve the chance to provide input. I believe it’s possible to prioritize top issues while not ignoring others entirely, and I’m committed to championing causes I believe in with community involvement.
And I’m proud to be endorsed by the SF Bike Coalition!
Endorsed by: Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ+ Democratic Club, Firefighters Union, United Educators of SF (#2), San Francisco DCCC (#2), Civil Rights Leader Dolores Huerta… read more here.

h brown
- Job: Retired special education teacher
- Age: 80
- Residency: Tenant, at current address for nine years, redistricted into District 9 in April 2022
- Transportation: Walking
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in education and master’s degree in special education from Clemson University
- Languages: English
This is the work of the Mayor who hates the Mission.
Our sidewalks and streets have never been more dangerous what with the new cursed high-speed scooters
Her disdain is why she has been removing trash cans and leaving the roads crumbling.
It’s why she gives us Irish Precinct captains who fear the Latinx
It’s why she’s going to permit Jake Seeg to cut down 800 hundred year old Eucalyptus and Monterey Pine trees in Mclaren Park.
Next to Golden Gate Park the largest nesting canopy for our hawks and owls and song birds and raptors.
I miss Carols Santana.
Endorsed by: No endorsements listed.

Julian Bermudez
- Job: Works in and directs his family business, Rancho Grande Appliance
- Age: 27
- Residency: Born San Francisco in 1996, raised on and off in District 9 until he left for college in 2015, then the army in 2019 and now back, living in the Mission
- Transportation: Carpool/catch a ride
- Education: City College of San Francisco, Chico State University
- Languages: English and Spanish
I agree that Mission residents do not view bike lanes as a priority. I feel that if the SFMTA had partnered with local organizations to communicate this open house, it would have been well welcomed. District 9 residents are skeptical of the SFMTA, owing primarily to its management of the Valencia Street bike lane and other concerns. As a leader, you must recognize that not everyone’s needs and concerns will be satisfied, and that some of them are less relevant to the larger picture for the community. As a leader, I like to aim for “better” rather than “perfection”. I’d… read more here.
Endorsed by: No endorsements listed… read more here

Trevor Chandler
- Job: Public school teacher since 2023. Former director of government and public policy at Citizen, a public safety app.
- Age: 37
- Residency: Tenant, living in District 9 since July 2021
- Transportation: Public
- Education: Plymouth State University
- Languages: English
I completely disagree with SFMTA, we need to be aggressively pursuing ongoing changes to make our streets safer for biking and rolling in the Mission including truly protected bike lanes, traffic enforcement, and ensuring a connected bike network so cyclists and riders can easily access every part of District 9 and the city.
Endorsed by: San Francisco DCCC (#1), Latino LGBTQ political organization HONOR PAC, Chinese American Democratic Club, SF League of Conservation Voters, LIUNA Local 261… read more here
District 9 contributions
Candidates are rotated alphabetically. Answers may be lightly edited for formatting, spelling, and grammar. If you have questions for the candidates, please let us know at oscar.palma@missionlocal.com
Read the rest of the District 9 questions here, and the entire “Meet the Candidates” series here.
You can register to vote via the sf.gov website. Illustrations for the series by Neil Ballard.
Source: missionlocal.org