Only one D11 supe candidate supports the Great Highway closure

Welcome back to the “Meet the Candidates” series for District 11, where we ask each candidate to answer one question every week leading up to the election. They must answer the question in 100 words or less. We will link to longer answers. With District 11 Supervisor Ahsha Safaí termed out and running for mayor, seven candidates have thrown their hats in the ring to represent the Excelsior, Oceanview and the Outer Mission.One of the hottest issues on the November ballot is Proposition K, which would close the Great Highway between Lincoln Way and Sloat Boulevard and enable the conversion of it into an oceanfront park.  Authored by District 4 Supervisor Joel Engardio and supported by Mayor London Breed, the measure won’t close the Upper Great Highway until “all necessary approvals are obtained and permits granted,” or by the end of […]


Read in English West Portal 大道作為西區主要商業街,樣貌與70年前幾無二致。Muni 輕軌依舊穿街而過,建築高度仍與曾經營業96年、直到2021年才關閉的 Empire 劇院相當。 該區房屋建設進展緩慢:2019年至2023年間,Inner Sunset 和 Ingleside 規劃區僅新建37套住房,佔全市16,822套新房的0.2%。今年3月,一起悲劇性車禍奪走一個四口之家性命後,市府提議重新設計 West Portal 大道一處主要路口,卻遭到商家等人強烈抗議。 然而,該區至少在政治上正悄然變化。多年來,這裡一直選出較為溫和的參事。但2012年,進步派的 Norman Yee 以微弱優勢當選。2020年,Myrna Melgar 接替他,承諾增加住房、提高密度和加大公共交通投資。 如今的問題是:是否有足夠多的居民厭倦了變革,想要換掉現任者? 「挑戰者們很像過去代表該區的典型候選人,」在第7區長大、曾領導 Melgar 前任 Norman Yee 競選活動的三藩市政治顧問 […] 第7區不喜改變,會否換領導人? Source:

SFPD to share body-cam video of woman’s hot dog vending arrest

In response to public outcry over bystander video of police wrestling with a struggling female hot dog vendor, San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott said on Wednesday that he expects to release the involved officers’ body-worn camera footage. Scott said he saw no wrongdoing by the police after reviewing all the body-worn camera footage from the officers who were involved in a back-and-forth between the woman, who was selling hot dogs near Pier 33, and city workers who were attempting to confiscate her cart. “There is nothing that I saw in this video that officers or anybody else involved did anything other than what they were asked to do, in the way that they were asked to do it,” Scott said before the Police Commission on Wednesday. “I saw nothing that indicated misconduct.” Ana Luisa Casimer Julca, the 25-year-old pregnant woman who was […]

Who are you supporting for Community College board?

Leer en español 閱讀中文版Welcome back to our “Meet the Candidates” series, where we ask the District 9 supervisorial hopefuls in the November 2024 election one question each week. Candidates are asked to answer questions on policy, ideology and more in 100 words or fewer.Answers are being published individually each week, but we are also archiving the weekly series here.If you know of other political events, let me know and I will add them to the post. We will not post a question next week, but we will be back the week after.I will be at Venga Empanadas (443 Valencia St.) at 5. p.m. on Wednesday September 11, to say hello and talk about the district, or you can email me at This week’s question: Who are you supporting for the Community College Board? How important is this race? Why? Stephen […]

District 5 candidates want to leverage technology to improve SF

Here’s the latest in our “Meet the Candidates” series for District 5, in which we ask each candidate to answer one question per week leading up to the election. Four candidates are challenging incumbent Supervisor Dean Preston to represent District 5, which spans from the east end of Golden Gate Park through Haight-Ashbury, Japantown and the Western Addition, the Lower Haight and Hayes Valley, and most of the Tenderloin.Tech is a big part of San Francisco and its discourse — tech companies weathering the pandemic here, whether Twitter should stay or go, or how technological advances like drones and surveillance cameras and robot dogs can support the police department.We asked the candidates to weigh in: How can tech and tech companies help the district and the city? How will you work to leverage it as supervisor? Note: I’ll be at Peet’s […]

S.F. ethics complaint targets Govern for California

A complaint filed with the San Francisco Ethics Commission accuses Govern for California, a nonprofit that has historically financed state races, of exceeding campaign contribution limits in the San Francisco general election.   Govern for California has employed eight different chapters of its organization to contribute $500 each to six different supervisor candidates and District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, as first reported by Mission Local on August 6. Each candidate has received a total of at least $4,000 from Govern for California, through different committees representing different branches of the organization. Many of them are outside San Francisco, such as the Palo Alto and Santa Cruz chapters. In San Francisco, $500 is the maximum amount an individual can contribute to a candidate campaign. Govern for California is a registered 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization and was founded in 2012 to “counter special interest influence and to support […]

Who do the District 7 candidates support for District Attorney?

Welcome to “Meet the Candidates,” where Mission Local asks supervisor hopefuls questions in the lead-up to the November election. In District 7 — which includes the Inner Sunset, Parkmerced and West Portal — Matt Boschetto and Stephen Martin-Pinto are running against incumbent Myrna Melgar.Brooke Jenkins became District Attorney after a heated recall election ousted her predecessor, Chesa Boudin, in 2022. Now, Jenkins is running in November election to stay in the position, and Ryan Khojasteh is running against her. This week, we asked the candidates who they are supporting. Take a look at their responses below.Note: please come join me for coffee this week to talk about District 7: I will be at Java on Ocean (329 West Portal Ave.) at 5 p.m. on Thursday September 12. You can also reach out to me at Myrna Melgar Job: District 7 […]

Non-SF funds make up 42 percent of school board race money

It’s been a rough few years for the San Francisco Unified School District. In 2022, voters recalled three school board members after the board drew intense criticism for slow school reopenings and other controversies. Since then, declining enrollment has exacerbated a budget crisis. The district’s inability to fully staff its schools has led to the dreaded process of closing and merging them, with the names of the proposed schools on the chopping block to be revealed this month. The board faced yet another shakeup last month when then-President Lainie Motamedi abruptly resigned for “personal and health reasons.”A majority of the board seats — four of seven — are up for grabs this November, making the race all the more important. As with other races, we took a closer look at candidates’ campaign finance filings. Here’s what we found.1. More than […]

Female hot dog vendor tackled, handcuffed by SF police

Video obtained by Mission Local shows San Francisco police tackle and handcuff a woman on the Embarcadero this morning as her young daughter cried hysterically — during a confiscation of her hot dog stand. The woman could be heard saying “Ya, me voy, me voy!” or, “I’m leaving, I’m leaving!”Onlookers filmed as the woman struggled on the pavement with two officers who were pulling her arms behind her back to handcuff her. A worker in a yellow vest blocked onlookers from approaching or filming up close.  “It’s ‘cause she fought with the officers,” another worker in an unmarked yellow vest told an onlooker as he rolled the hotdog stand away. “These are being confiscated by the Department of Public Health.” A witness told Mission Local that the woman was upset about her cart being confiscated and officers were holding her back as […]

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