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Vea cómo se postulan: Los demócratas de SF acusan a Mark Farrell de utilizar indebidamente el logotipo de apoyo del partido

Read in EnglishMission Local está publicando artículos de campaña para cada una/uno de los principales contendientes en la carrera por la alcaldía, alternando entre los candidatos semanalmente hasta noviembre. Esta semana: Mark Farrell. Lea los artículos anteriores aquí.El Partido Demócrata de San Francisco ha acusado al candidato a la alcaldía, Mark Farrell, de utilizar indebidamente su logotipo en un folleto sobre la Propuesta D enviado a los votantes la semana pasada. El correo en cuestión, de 20 por 30 centímetros, muestra de forma destacada una foto de Farrell y una cita de su apoyo a la Propuesta D, la medida para limitar las comisiones municipales, junto al logotipo del SF Dems en un círculo azul oscuro, muy similar al sello de apoyo del partido.Aunque el partido ha respaldado la Proposición D, no ha respaldado a Farrell – ese honor fue para […]

Mayor Breed is deleting texts. Legal experts say that’s a problem.

On June 29, Mayor London Breed texted Carla Short, the director of San Francisco Public Works, asking her to send out a crew to pick up trash in the Tenderloin.“I’m at Azalina’s. Are you around? You should stop by,” read the text from Breed, sent at 5:54 p.m. while the mayor was at a Malaysian restaurant near Ellis and Leavenworth streets. “Can you send someone to clean up across the street please. It [sic] a pile of trash on the south west corner.”Short said she was at a Giants game but promised to “send someone now.” “That would be great,” Breed wrote in response. “I want her to succeed but the tents and trash are a problem,” she added, seemingly referencing a homeless woman on the corner. “We will deal with the tents. Thank you and enjoy the game.” That simple […]

Wells Fargo sign blows loose; firefighters on scene

Sign up below to get Mission Local’s free newsletter, a daily digest of news you won’t find elsewhere. The corner of Mission and 22nd has been sealed off and firefighters have ascended a ladder to remove a Wells Fargo sign overlooking the intersection, which came loose during a gusty day. Earlier in the evening, pedestrians were asked to avoid the vicinity in the event the large red-and-yellow bank sign fell. Building representatives were also on scene, and the fire department said it was opening to securing or removing the sign. They chose the latter, with the property owner’s permission. “This is an isolated hazard and we ask that you avoid the area,” the fire department added in a statement, advising travelers to plan alternative routes.  Want the latest on the Mission and San Francisco? Sign up for our free daily […]

United Dumplings: A Bernal Heights delight

The original United Dumplings has been on Cortland in Bernal since late 2020, but my first time trying their food was just last year at their Oakland location. Women-owned, United Dumplings offers a mix of tradition and innovation, and it all tastes authentically great. I was blown away by the quality of the dumplings and the variety of offerings — of not just dumplings but the myriad noodles, rice, veggie, and tofu options. I was overjoyed to learn (very belatedly) that we had one so close to the Mission. The original is a bit more casual and spare than its East Bay cousin, but the menus seem to be identical. (There’s also another outpost in the Marina.)Pea shoots I tried in Oakland were a favorite, so I had to have them here.Pea ShootsThey were so abundantly garlicky, and so lusciously creamy, they almost seemed […]

Controller assumes de facto control of Human Rights Commission

In a Friday afternoon letter to San Francisco officials, city controller Greg Wagner announced his office would essentially assume control of the scandal-plagued Human Rights Commission, with his “accounting staff immediately to oversee accounting operations at HRC, including approvals of payments and other financial transactions.”The Human Rights Commission’s director, Sheryl Davis, resigned at Mayor London Breed’s behest yesterday and hired a defense attorney after a slew of news articles alleging cavalier or even potentially illegal spending.The San Francisco Chronicle on Thursday revealed that Davis spent some $10,000 renting a home for city interns on Martha’s Vineyard, allegedly splitting the invoice to evade city reporting requirements for purchases of $10,000 or more. On the same day, the San Francisco Standard noted that Davis had directed some $1.5 million in funding to the nonprofit Collective Impact, which is overseen by James Spignola. […]

San Francisco District 3 debate filled by conservative voices

Residents who listened to Friday night’s District 3 forum witnessed a supervisor race speeding toward a conservative endpoint, with five candidates poised to replace Supervisor Aaron Peskin often collectively supporting tough-on-crime measures and police commission reforms while opposing reparations for Black Americans. The sixth candidate, Wendy Ha Chau, didn’t attend the forum.The direction was led by candidate Matt Susk, who previously worked in private real estate and who is endorsed by organizations like the big-money groups Neighbors for a Better San Francisco and ConnectedSF, which is largely funded by Neighbors; San Francisco Association of Realtors; and the San Francisco Police Officers Association. Among the three leading candidates, Sen. Scott Wiener’s pick, Danny Sauter, occasionally emerged as the more progressive voice on stage, surpassing his two Peskin-endorsed competitors. He was the strongest pro-reparations voice, for example, among the candidates. The latter includes Moe […]

Tenant lawyers demand SF cut Potrero Hill property manager

Attorneys for residents who have faced a slew of evictions from the Potrero Hill public housing complex in recent months today called on the San Francisco Housing Authority’s board of commissioners to fire the company that manages the site. The company, Eugene Burger Management, oversees the aging Potrero Terrace-Annex public housing site and has been evicting alleged squatters from their homes — even those who say they paid rent to an employee of the firm. That employee, who has since been fired, allegedly pocketed their money under the table but acted as a representative of the company. “They are still managing the complex today. How is that possible?” asked Eviction Defense Collaborative attorney Jessica Santillo, who represents some of about 40 households being evicted. “Rather than offering new housing or even transitional housing, the city is forcibly removing residents from their homes […]

Do you support Prop. L?

Welcome back to our weekly “Meet the Candidates” series, in which District 1 supervisorial candidates who have filed to run respond to a question in 100 words or fewer. Answers are published each week, but we are also archiving each answer on this page for District 1, to make it easier for voters to browse. Next week, I will be out of office. Reach me at As the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency faces a $240 million budget deficit, voters will weigh a ballot measure in November that may alleviate some of that fiscal shortfall. The measure, Prop. L, would increase taxes on ride-hailing companies (like Lyft and Uber) and autonomous vehicle companies (like Waymo) with more than $500,000 or more in gross receipts. The funding would be used to support Muni’s transit services and discount programs.    If passed, Prop. L would bring […]

Only one D11 supe candidate supports the Great Highway closure

Welcome back to the “Meet the Candidates” series for District 11, where we ask each candidate to answer one question every week leading up to the election. They must answer the question in 100 words or less. We will link to longer answers. With District 11 Supervisor Ahsha Safaí termed out and running for mayor, seven candidates have thrown their hats in the ring to represent the Excelsior, Oceanview and the Outer Mission.One of the hottest issues on the November ballot is Proposition K, which would close the Great Highway between Lincoln Way and Sloat Boulevard and enable the conversion of it into an oceanfront park.  Authored by District 4 Supervisor Joel Engardio and supported by Mayor London Breed, the measure won’t close the Upper Great Highway until “all necessary approvals are obtained and permits granted,” or by the end of […]


Read in English West Portal 大道作為西區主要商業街,樣貌與70年前幾無二致。Muni 輕軌依舊穿街而過,建築高度仍與曾經營業96年、直到2021年才關閉的 Empire 劇院相當。 該區房屋建設進展緩慢:2019年至2023年間,Inner Sunset 和 Ingleside 規劃區僅新建37套住房,佔全市16,822套新房的0.2%。今年3月,一起悲劇性車禍奪走一個四口之家性命後,市府提議重新設計 West Portal 大道一處主要路口,卻遭到商家等人強烈抗議。 然而,該區至少在政治上正悄然變化。多年來,這裡一直選出較為溫和的參事。但2012年,進步派的 Norman Yee 以微弱優勢當選。2020年,Myrna Melgar 接替他,承諾增加住房、提高密度和加大公共交通投資。 如今的問題是:是否有足夠多的居民厭倦了變革,想要換掉現任者? 「挑戰者們很像過去代表該區的典型候選人,」在第7區長大、曾領導 Melgar 前任 Norman Yee 競選活動的三藩市政治顧問 […] 第7區不喜改變,會否換領導人? Source:

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