District 11 candidates weigh in on upcoming school closures

Welcome back to the “Meet the Candidates” series for District 11, where we ask each candidate to answer one question every week leading up to the election. They must answer the question in 100 words or less. We will link to longer answers. With District 11 Supervisor Ahsha Safaí termed out and running for mayor, seven candidates have thrown their hats in the ring to represent the Excelsior, Oceanview and the Outer Mission.On Sept. 18, the San Francisco Unified School District will announce the list of schools recommended for closure, merger, or co-location for the 2025-26 school year.  Such a move is part of SFUSD’s Resource Alignment Initiative, which is an ambitious plan to improve student outcomes by creating a new school staffing model, generating more revenue for school properties, reorganizing the central office, investing in priority district-wide programs, and creating […]

District 5 candidates weigh in — or don’t — on District Attorney race

Here’s the latest in our “Meet the Candidates” series for District 5, in which we ask each candidate to answer one question per week leading up to the election. Four candidates are challenging incumbent Supervisor Dean Preston to represent District 5, which spans from the east end of Golden Gate Park through Haight-Ashbury, Japantown and the Western Addition, the Lower Haight and Hayes Valley, and most of the Tenderloin.This week, we asked candidates about another election that’s coming up, for district attorney. After a heated recall of DA Chesa Boudin in 2022 and his replacement by his former employee, now-DA Brooke Jenkins, another former employee, Ryan Khojasteh, has stepped up to challenge Jenkins. Some favor Jenkins while others like Khojasteh. But for all the talk of different public safety approaches to crime this election cycle, a couple District 5 candidates […]

California Supreme Court to Weigh In on Long Trial Delays in SF

Updated Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023: A legal filing by the plaintiffs Monday to the California Supreme Court defended the idea that taxpayers have standing to challenge poor management of state resources. Details at the end of this article. A lawsuit against San Francisco Superior Court over its routine failure to uphold defendants’ right to a speedy trial is in the hands of California’s Supreme Court. San Francisco has more than 1,100 cases past statutory time limits, and 115 of those defendants are languishing in jail without a conviction. At a rally on the steps of the Hall of Justice last week, concerned residents and staffers with the Public Defender’s Office gathered to denounce what they view as San Francisco Superior Court’s routine breach of criminal defendants’ constitutional rights. San Francisco resident Christine Sipra said during the protest that when she […]

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