
More men accuse ex-Abercrombie boss over sex events

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More men have come forward to the BBC accusing the former chief executive of Abercrombie & Fitch and his British partner of sexual exploitation. Some allege they were abused, and some that they were injected with drugs.

Luke says he was shocked as he was guided into Mike Jeffries’ presidential suite in a hotel in Spain. “It was like a movie set of an Abercrombie store,” he recalls of the event in 2011. “And I thought we were going to do a photoshoot.”

He says the room was dimly lit with erotic photos of men’s abs adorning the dark walls. In the middle, a group of assistants dressed in Abercrombie & Fitch uniforms – polos, blue jeans and flip-flops – were casually folding clothes on a table, pretending to be shop workers, he says.

Then aged 20, Luke says he had been offered the chance of being in a company advert if he flew from his home in Los Angeles to Madrid to meet the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F).

Luke says the proposal had come via a modelling website from a man who said he worked as a talent scout and executive assistant for Mr Jeffries – then head of the billion-dollar teen retailer.

Warning: This story contains accounts of sexual violence

In the suite, he says Mr Jeffries’ assistants began engaging in role-play, encouraging him to act as a shirtless greeter, a hallmark of A&F stores at the time. Luke says he remembers the talent scout saying: “Now I have two very important guests, and these are going to be the customers that you need to impress and entertain because they’re going to be buying a lot of clothes from you.”

Luke, pictured in silhouette, looking at the skyline in Los AngelesLuke, pictured in silhouette, looking at the skyline in Los Angeles

Luke says he thought he was meeting Mike Jeffries for a modelling job [BBC]

At that moment, he says Mr Jeffries and his life partner, Matthew Smith, came out of a corner of the room. They immediately started touching him and Mr Jeffries forcibly kissed him, he says. “I was trying to avoid the whole situation as much as I could, but Michael was very aggressive.” He says the Abercrombie boss then performed oral sex on him.

“I tried to say no repeatedly. And then I just got kind of convinced to do something. But I constantly was saying no, and I wanted to go.”


Luke (not his real name) is one of eight more men who have spoken to the BBC in the past year since we revealed allegations of sexual exploitation at events hosted by Mr Jeffries and Mr Smith. The FBI launched an investigation following the BBC’s reporting, and 20 men in total have now told us they attended or helped organise these events.

As well as Luke’s allegation, the new witnesses reveal fresh details about the scale of the events, which took place from at least 2009 until 2015 while Mr Jeffries was chief executive.

The BBC previously found there had been a sophisticated operation involving a middleman tasked with finding men for these events, but the new testimonies detail additional recruitment methods.

The men also raise new questions about the role of Mr Jeffries’ assistants – a select group of young men in A&F uniforms who travelled around the world with him and supervised these sex events.

According to multiple men, Mr Jeffries’ assistants injected some attendees in the penis with what they were told was liquid Viagra.

A composite image showing the rarely photographed Matthew Smith from an event in Paris in 2012, Mike Jeffries at an A&F store opening in 2005, and James Jacobson, who is wearing sunglasses and has a snakeskin patch over his missing noseA composite image showing the rarely photographed Matthew Smith from an event in Paris in 2012, Mike Jeffries at an A&F store opening in 2005, and James Jacobson, who is wearing sunglasses and has a snakeskin patch over his missing nose

Mr Smith, left, and Mr Jeffries hosted events with men recruited by middleman James Jacobson, right [Getty Images / Handout]

Chris, not his real name, told the BBC he felt he was “going to die” after one of these injections caused an extreme reaction during an event at one of Mr Jeffries’ New York homes. Feeling “hot, dizzy” and in shock, he said nobody called for an ambulance. Still disorientated, he said Mr Jeffries and Mr Smith, who had been waiting in another room, then tried to have sex with him.

Former model Keith Milkie, 31, says one of Mr Jeffries’ assistants had also “bragged” about having done some work for Abercrombie & Fitch at the same time as working at these sex events. He says this assistant was named on an event itinerary and the BBC found he also had an A&F company email.

While personal assistants of Mr Jeffries’ were often dressed in A&F uniforms, this is the first claim that a member of A&F staff was involved in the running of Mr Jeffries’ sex events. When the BBC asked the company about this, it declined to answer, saying it does not comment on legal matters.

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Mr Jeffries, 80, Mr Smith, 61, and A&F – which also owns the brand Hollister – are facing a civil lawsuit alleging the retailer funded a sex-trafficking operation over the two decades he had been in charge.

Mr Smith and Mr Jeffries did not respond to requests for comment. However, their lawyers’ have previously said they deny allegations of wrongdoing, adding: “The courtroom is where we will deal with this matter.”

A roster of attendees

One former attendee, Diego Guillen, who says he has been interviewed by the FBI, told the BBC he was paid $500 (£380) every Saturday to make wake-up calls to men expected to attend these sex events in 2011. He estimated he made about 80 calls over seven months.

Mr Guillen, 42, says there was also a roster of attendees. Other sources have said this “database” could have as many as 60 different men on it at any given time, revealing a snapshot of the scale of those recruited.

He says he had initially attended sex events at Mr Jeffries’ former New York homes after being recruited on the street by the couple’s middleman, James Jacobson.

Mr Guillen, now a lawyer and real estate broker who runs his own firm, says he had never had sex for money before, but at the time he was unemployed and homeless, sleeping in a friend’s office. Despite his circumstances then, he says he did not feel exploited.

After the FBI turned up at his door, Mr Guillen says he contacted Mr Jeffries’ lawyer who sent a private investigator to interview him to help build their legal defence.

Mr Guillen says the other men present at the events he attended had been “under no obligation, under zero pressure” and “paid quite well”.

“Michael and Matthew are high profile gay men and liked having sex with young, handsome men. And being older, they knew that the real way to get this done was to be generous,” he says. “But with full consent and making sure that the [men] wanted it and liked it. And that’s it.”

‘An immense amount of shame’

Unlike other men who were recruited by the middleman, Luke says his initial contact was an assistant working for Mr Jeffries’ family office – a private company run by Mr Smith, which managed the then-CEO’s wealth and properties.

Luke says this assistant interviewed him over Skype, telling him to expect to be topless for the Madrid hotel photoshoot, but there were no obvious red flags. This man then organised his travel and accommodation, he says.

“It didn’t seem like anything too out of the ordinary for me because even working at an Abercrombie store when I was younger, there was guys who would stand outside shirtless. That was like a trademark thing,” says Luke.

Leaked travel plans show Mr Jeffries was scheduled to be in Madrid several times in 2011 ahead of opening a real A&F store.

The night before the event, Luke says he was paid €3,500 (£2,950) in cash, which he believed was “general spending money” for the three days he was in Madrid. But he says the assistant was “vague” about the plan.

He says in the hotel suite, Mr Jeffries and Mr Smith began having sex with two slightly older men – one he thought was in his 30s and the other in his 40s – present for the same event. Luke says Mr Jeffries’ then started kissing him. Soon after, he says Mr Jeffries performed oral sex on him and Mr Smith attempted to do the same. He says he tried to perform “some sort of oral” sex on Mr Jeffries, but “couldn’t”.

“I’m getting fired because I didn’t do what this guy wanted,” Luke remembers thinking, believing he was about to lose his chance of a modelling job. “I could have just ran out of that room, but I didn’t even know how I would have gotten out.”

Luke says he felt unable to leave as Mr Jeffries’ assistants – whom he perceived as security staff – were “watching exits”.

An interior shot of the Abercrombie & Fitch store on 5th Avenue in New York City, taken at its opening event in 2005, showing piles of folded clothes, a mannequin dressed in a denim jacket and cargo trousers and with an advertising image of a shirtless model in the backgroundAn interior shot of the Abercrombie & Fitch store on 5th Avenue in New York City, taken at its opening event in 2005, showing piles of folded clothes, a mannequin dressed in a denim jacket and cargo trousers and with an advertising image of a shirtless model in the background

Luke says Mr Jeffries’ hotel suite was made to resemble an A&F store, like this one in New York [Getty Images]

Back home in the US, he says he felt unable to report what happened because of the non-disclosure agreement he had signed prior to the event.

“There’s an immense amount of shame associated with this idea that you’re not a masculine man if you’ve been molested or taken advantage of by another man,” says Luke, who identifies as straight.

“My whole life I’ve struggled with people thinking that I’m gay and I got bullied in high school because I have a soft voice. The last thing on earth I was going to do is say something emasculating, like, I got molested and orally raped by a guy.”

Luke says what happened in Madrid was “rocket fuel” for a drug addiction he later developed. In 2016, he was arrested for selling drugs and served six months in a correctional boot camp. He now runs his own business alongside helping people with addictions.

‘It was like fantasy land’

Keith Milkie says he attended numerous events hosted by Mr Jeffries and Mr Smith between 2012 and 2014. He says he understood these events would be sexual but that nothing Mr Jacobson said could “prepare you for what’s going to happen” next.

Then aged about 20, Mr Milkie says he had been struggling to pay his rent after being invited to move to New York by an agent, who ran a house full of aspiring models. He says a housemate soon introduced the idea of escorting, and a contact later introduced him to Mr Jacobson.

Mr Milkie, who identified as straight at the time, says he found some of the events “uncomfortable” and “painful”. On one occasion, in Paris, he says Mr Jeffries instructed him to have sex with another man, which he “did not want or enjoy”.

During another, he says he was verbally abused by Mr Jeffries after saying “no” to a risky sexual act while on board the Queen Mary 2, an ocean liner which sails from England to New York. He says Mr Jeffries was drunk and tried to insert a “bleeding finger” into him.

“I was in the bed putting on a fake smile, crying on the inside,” he says. “Here I am in the middle of the ocean having this person four times my age in that position of power and influence belittle me to death and literally call me worthless… simply because I said no to something.”

He says Mr Jacobson paid him about $24,000 (£18,400) in cash for the seven-night cruise.

Keith Milkie, a young man wearing a grey sweatshirt and a dark beanie, pictured on a rocky outcrop with a forest behind himKeith Milkie, a young man wearing a grey sweatshirt and a dark beanie, pictured on a rocky outcrop with a forest behind him

Mr Milkie says he was berated and called worthless when he said “no” to Mr Jeffries [Keith Milkie]

According to his event itineraries, which had been sent by Mr Jacobson, another of these sex events was just days after it had been publicly announced Mr Jeffries was stepping down as CEO of A&F in December 2014. Mr Milkie believes that final meeting marked the end of these events.

“The personification of Mike Jeffries is Abercrombie. He had the hair plugs, the plastic surgery, he wore the clothes, he wore the flip-flops. I mean, you talk about power. He projected his image on the entire country. His places where he lived were literally an Abercrombie store. It was like fantasy land,” he says.

“Without that sort of power, that sort of fear and influence, I imagine it’s just like a lot harder to keep people quiet, which is why years later people are talking about it.”

After the BBC’s initial investigation was published last year, A&F announced it was opening an independent investigation into the allegations raised. When we recently asked when this report will be completed – and if the findings would be made public – the company declined to answer.

Like Mr Jeffries and Mr Smith, the brand has been trying to get the civil lawsuit against it dismissed, arguing it had no knowledge of “the supposed sex-trafficking venture” led by its former CEO – which it has been accused of having funded.

Earlier this year, a US court ruled that A&F must cover the cost of Mike Jeffries’ legal defence as he continues to fight the civil allegations of sex-trafficking and rape. The judge ruled the allegations were tied to his corporate role after he sued the brand for refusing to pay his legal fees.

The brand said it does not comment on legal matters. However, in its defence submitted to court, A&F said its current leadership team was “previously unaware of” the allegations until the BBC contacted it, adding the company “abhors sexual abuse and condemns the alleged conduct” by Mr Jeffries and others.

Mr Jacobson – the middleman – previously said in a statement through his lawyer that he took offence at the suggestion of “any coercive, deceptive or forceful behaviour on my part” and had “no knowledge of any such conduct by others”.


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