
Tenant lawyers demand SF cut Potrero Hill property manager

Attorneys for residents who have faced a slew of evictions from the Potrero Hill public housing complex in recent months today called on the San Francisco Housing Authority’s board of commissioners to fire the company that manages the site. The company, Eugene Burger Management, oversees the aging Potrero Terrace-Annex public housing site and has been evicting alleged squatters from their homes — even those who say they paid rent to an employee of the firm. That employee, who has since been fired, allegedly pocketed their money under the table but acted as a representative of the company. “They are still managing the complex today. How is that possible?” asked Eviction Defense Collaborative attorney Jessica Santillo, who represents some of about 40 households being evicted. “Rather than offering new housing or even transitional housing, the city is forcibly removing residents from their homes […]

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