Bill on street vending enforcement dies, and Mission vending ban

Nearly three months after Sen. Scott Wiener and Mayor London Breed announced the introduction of a California state bill that would have given police authority to ticket and even arrest people selling stolen goods, the legislation quietly died in the State Assembly.SB 925’s path in Sacramento was cut short on Aug. 15 when it was held under submission, a term used when members of a committee want further discussion. Wiener said, however, in plain words this means his bill is dead.The very next day, on Aug. 16, San Francisco took action by extending the Mission Street vending ban for another six months. The moratorium on street vending, which has been in place since Nov. 27, had been already extended early this year for six months and was set to end on Aug. 27.“I was very disappointed. It’s a high priority […]

Shotwell St. neighbors sue city over vagrancy, sex workers

Five neighbors of Showell Street in the Mission District filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against San Francisco over what they called the city’s inability to address sex work on their street, as well as frequent public urination and drinking at Jose Coronado Playground.The filing of a lawsuit has quickly resulted in action: Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Hillary Ronen this morning announced via a press release that the city will install barricades and cameras along Shotwell, similar to the barriers on Capp Street nearby, to deter sex work and cruising. The city will also start issuing “Dear John” warning letters that would be mailed to the owners of cars “seen in a known area for prostitution activity” in order to “discourage such behavior by notifying drivers” — and, perhaps, their families. “Additionally, it is possible that others residing at the vehicle owner’s […]

$22M raised so far, majority in big gifts

It’s election season in San Francisco, and the money is pouring in: About $22 million has been raised for the November races so far, according to local filings, with much of that going into ballot measures and the race for the mayor’s office.About 69 percent of the spending, or $15 million, comes from large donations — amounts over $1,000. Those donations — mostly made to political action committees to get around the city’s $500 donation cap for candidates — represent less than 2 percent of the number of total contributions. The remaining 98 percent of contributions constitute much smaller donations — on average $292 apiece — and add up to just $6.9 million so far. Those small-dollar donations are also bolstered by another $5.2 million in matching city public financing, which awards candidates six-to-one matching funds. That brings the total money […]

Outer Sunset merchants grill Safaí on Great Highway

Mission Local is publishing campaign dispatches for each of the major contenders in the mayor’s race, alternating among candidates weekly until November. This week: Ahsha Safaí. Read earlier dispatches here.The fog rolled in on the Upper Great Highway around noon on Tuesday, and dozens of cars drove down the oceanside road. Two blocks east of the highway, some 15 business owners of the Outer Sunset Merchant Association met with major mayoral candidates at the Outerlands restaurant on Judah Street and 45th Avenue — and the Upper Great Highway’s potential closure is on the top of everyone’s mind. A 2-mile stretch of the highway connecting San Francisco’s westside to Daly City and regions further down the Peninsula may be quite different after Election Day, if a ballot measure mandating its closure passes.The issue has become hotly contested: Dueling rallies took place over the […]

District 5 candidates weigh in — or don’t — on District Attorney race

Here’s the latest in our “Meet the Candidates” series for District 5, in which we ask each candidate to answer one question per week leading up to the election. Four candidates are challenging incumbent Supervisor Dean Preston to represent District 5, which spans from the east end of Golden Gate Park through Haight-Ashbury, Japantown and the Western Addition, the Lower Haight and Hayes Valley, and most of the Tenderloin.This week, we asked candidates about another election that’s coming up, for district attorney. After a heated recall of DA Chesa Boudin in 2022 and his replacement by his former employee, now-DA Brooke Jenkins, another former employee, Ryan Khojasteh, has stepped up to challenge Jenkins. Some favor Jenkins while others like Khojasteh. But for all the talk of different public safety approaches to crime this election cycle, a couple District 5 candidates […]

Vea cómo se postulan: Safaí se gana a los votantes de fiesta en fiesta

Read in EnglishMission Local está publicando artículos de campaña para cada una/uno de los principales contendientes en la carrera por la alcaldía, alternando entre los candidatos semanalmente hasta noviembre. Esta semana:Ahsha Safaí. Lea los artículos anteriores aquí.Era la típica fiesta de cuadra de Chinatown: Locales y turistas se reunieron en torno a la danza del león, jugaron al agujero de maíz y metieron boletos de rifa en una urna. El clima del domingo era más cálido de lo habitual: 75 grados con una agradable brisa. Ahsha Safaí llegó a la fiesta, celebrada entre las calles Clay y Sacramento de Grant Avenue Chinatown, hacia el mediodía para celebrar el 37 aniversario de APA Family Support Services, una organización que ofrece a las familias servicios de salud y prevención de la violencia doméstica en cantonés.“Siempre pasa algo en Chinatown. Hay que dejarse llevar”, […]

Ahsha Safaí woos voters from one block party to the next

Mission Local is publishing campaign dispatches for each of the major contenders in the mayor’s race, alternating among candidates weekly until November. This week: Ahsha Safaí. Read earlier dispatches here.It was a typical Chinatown block party: Locals and tourists gathered around lion dance performances, played corn hole and put raffle tickets in a box. The weather on Sunday was warmer than usual — 75 degrees with a pleasant breeze. Ahsha Safaí arrived at the party, held between Clay and Sacramento streets on Grant Avenue Chinatown, at around noon to celebrate the 37th anniversary of APA Family Support Services, an organization offering families health services and domestic violence prevention in Cantonese.  “There’s always something going on in Chinatown. You just gotta roll with the punches,” Safaí said. Safaí gave a short speech celebrating the anniversary and then huddled with SFPD Assistant Chief David Lazar, […]

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