
National Coffee Day with Karl

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National Coffee Day

National Coffee Day is September 29th 2024


The history of National Coffee Day seems a bit, well, cloudy. We believe September 29 came about as a jolting reminder to get back to work following a long summer — even though it’s a full week after the first day of fall. After all, Americans have turned procrastination into an art form.On the other hand, the history of coffee itself clearly goes back to 15th century Yemen. (Check out Dave Eggers’ recent book for a fascinating look at how it all went down.) As for Europeans, they got their first taste about 100 years later — with Venice leading the way. Per the National Coffee Association, it wasn’t a smooth ride: “Some people reacted to this new beverage with suspicion or fear, calling it the ‘bitter invention of Satan.’ The local clergy condemned coffee when it came to Venice in 1615. The controversy was so great that Pope Clement VIII was asked to intervene. He decided to taste the beverage for himself before making a decision, and found the drink so satisfying that he gave it papal approval.”Mainland Europe’s first official coffeehouse (no, they didn’t serve lattes) opened in Venice around 1645.Back in the U.S., if it weren’t for the Boston Tea Party in 1773, Americans may never have swapped tea for coffee. When the colonies revolted against King George III’s hefty tea tax, tea was out and coffee was in. Things really started to percolate in the mid-1800s when brothers John and Charles Arbuckle started selling coffee to cowboys in the American West. James Folger successfully introduced coffee to gold miners in California. Upon returning to San Francisco in 1865, Folger became a full partner of The Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills — which eventually became the J.A. Folger & Co. in 1872.Other brands including Maxwell House and Hills Brothers soon entered the coffee market. A yearning for “specialty” coffee took hold in the 1960s and a little Seattle company called Starbucks changed everything in 1971. Today the U.S. coffee shop market has grown to a $45.4 billion industry, according to Allegra World Coffee Portal’s 2019 Project Café USA report. Dry coffee sales topped $9 billion in 2017 in the U.S.Thanks King George III!


75% – Caffeine consumed by Americans that comes as a coffee 66% – Of women drink coffee every day 62% – Of men drink coffee every day 100 – The age a coffee plant can live up to 5.7 billion – Pound of coffee Brazil exports every year 3.1 – The number of coffees the average American drinks each day 400 million – coffees consumed throughout America every day 146 billion – coffees consumed in America each year

Karl The Fog Coffee is celebrating National Coffee Day

Go to to get a 24% discount on coffee orders through 9/30/24 HAPPY NATIONAL COFFEE DAY!

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National Coffee Day
National Coffee Day with Karl

National Coffee Day is September 29th 2024 HISTORY OF NATIONAL COFFEE DAY The history of National Coffee Day seems a bit, well, cloudy. We believe September 29 came about as a jolting reminder to get back to work following a long summer — even though it’s a full week after the first day of fall. After all, Americans have turned procrastination into an art form. On the other hand, the history of coffee itself clearly goes back to 15th century Yemen. (Check out Dave Eggers’ recent book for a fascinating look at how it all went down.) As for Europeans, they got their first taste about 100 years later — with Venice leading the way. Per the National Coffee Association, it wasn’t a smooth ride: “Some people reacted to this new beverage with suspicion or fear, calling it the ‘bitter […]

San Francisco Mayoral Race Heats Up as Election Day Approaches

San Francisco, CA — August 2024 As the city of San Francisco approaches its November 2024 mayoral election, the race has intensified with candidates ramping up their campaigns and sparking heated debates over the future direction of the city. The mayoral race is shaping up to be one of the most closely watched contests in recent memory, with several high-profile candidates vying for the top position. Incumbent Mayor's Re-election Bid Incumbent Mayor London Breed, who has served as mayor since 2018, is seeking a second full term. Her tenure has been marked by efforts to tackle homelessness, increase housing affordability, and improve public safety. Her campaign emphasizes continuity and progress, highlighting accomplishments such as the expansion of affordable housing units and initiatives aimed at revitalizing downtown San Francisco. Breed's supporters argue that her leadership has brought stability and positive change […]

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Victim in life-threatening condition after Mission Street shooting 

At around 9:50 p.m. on Friday police officers responded to a shooting at the 1900 block of Mission Street, according to the San Francisco Police Department. When officers arrived at the scene on Mission Street between 15th and 16th streets, a victim was suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Officers rendered aid and the victim was then transported to the hospital for life-threatening injuries. No arrests have been made at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact SFPD at 415-575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 and begin the message with SFPD.  Kelly is Irish and French and grew up in Dublin and Luxembourg. She studied Geography at McGill University and worked at a remote sensing company in Montreal, making maps and analyzing methane data, before turning to journalism. She recently graduated from the Data Journalism program at Columbia Journalism School. […]


Read in English 市長布裡德(London Breed)的「華裔阿婆」黃太太表示,週三在華埠一場宴會上,她被迫戴上麥法恩(Mark Farrell)的競選帽,還被騙與布裡德的對手合影,意圖讓外界以為她已改變立場。 86歲的黃桃菊,人稱「黃太太」,是加州住客之友團盟的主席,據她說該組織有500多名會員。作為一位人脈廣闊的社區領袖,黃太太經常為布裡德的活動動員大批華裔志願者,並常在競選活動中與布裡德並肩出現。 她作為布裡德堅定支持者的形象深入人心,若她轉投他人,無疑會成為其他候選人在華裔選票舉足輕重的競選中的重大勝利。 週三,黃太太原本準備參加遠東樓的中秋節午宴。但她用粵語告訴本報記者,她發現自己陷入了一場「騙局」。 「他們之前跟我說只是吃個飯,」黃太太談到宴會組織者時說。她回憶,華裔民主黨協進會(該俱樂部已支持麥法恩)的朱偉 (Selena Chu) 事先告訴她麥法恩會出席,但只是慶祝中秋,不涉及政治宣傳。 然而,根據黃太太的說法,這變成了一場在洗手間的不愉快伏擊,有人迅速將她的橙色聖荷西Barracudas隊帽換成藍色「麥法恩競選市長」帽。隨後,她戴著麥法恩帽與麥法恩合影的照片被發到了網上。 黃太太說,宴會開始時她還在與加州住客之友團盟的老朋友敘舊。但不久,麥法恩的支持者就接近了她。 「我擔心會被要求上台拍照支持麥法恩」黃太太說。 為了避免這種情況,幾週前剛做完雙腿手術、行動不便的黃太太藉口去了洗手間。她說自己在那裡躲了至少15分鐘。然後,四名女子跟了進來,更多人在外面等著。有人拍打她所在隔間的門。「我正在提褲子,」黃太太說,「這時看到有人從門縫偷看我。」 黃太太說現場非常嘈雜混亂,她記不清具體發生了什麼。但她確信麥法恩的競選經理Jade Tu和華裔民主黨協進會的招霞參與其中。她還看到華裔活動家雷千紅,但説在宴會上沒有與她交談。 黃太太說,洗手間裡的人要她「出來拍照」。她回憶有人說,「我們有頂很酷的藍帽子給你,來戴上吧。」 當黃太太出來時,有人突然摘下她的橙帽,換上了「麥法恩競選市長」的帽子。 黃太太不懂英文。她說周圍沒人告訴她帽子上寫了什麼,她完全不知道發生了什麼。 然後,有人想摘下她的口罩 — 可能是為了在照片中辨認她。她拒絕了,那群人就走開了。 但當黃太太回到座位摘下口罩吃飯時,有人趁機拍下了她戴著麥法恩帽子的照片。 黃太太說麥法恩本人沒有參與這次事件。  雷千紅承認出席了宴會,但對黃太太的指控表示「無可奉告」。目擊者證實Tu和招霞都在現場。招霞否認與黃太太有任何互動,聲稱直到後來在網上看到照片才知道這件事。Tu否認給黃太太戴帽子:「我非常尊重長輩,絕不會做傷害他們的事。」 黃太太說,宴會後招霞給她打電話,要她把布裡德排在第一位,麥法恩排在第二位。黃太太說她沒有直接回答,只說「以後再談」。 當Mission […] 布裡德的「華裔阿婆」稱遭麥法恩支持者脅迫 Source:

Breed’s ‘Chinese grandma’ says Farrell backers coerced her

Mayor London Breed’s “Chinese grandmother,” Mrs. Wong, said that at a Chinatown banquet on Wednesday, she was coerced into wearing a Mark Farrell hat and tricked into posing with Breed’s opponent in a bid to make it appear she had switched sides.Tow Kuk Wong, more widely known as “Mrs. Wong” is president of the California Friends of Tenants Caucus, which has over 500 members, according to the 86-year-old. A well-connected community leader, Wong has also mobilized large groups of Chinese volunteers for Breed’s events. Wong is frequently pictured alongside Breed at campaign events.Her well-known image as a staunch Breed supporter makes any betrayal of the mayor a coveted win for other campaigns in a race in which Chinese votes hold significant importance.On Wednesday, she prepared herself for a mid-autumn festival lunch at the Far East Cafe. Instead, she found herself […]

Breed and Farrell’s mutual attacks overshadow mayoral debate 

Mission Local is publishing campaign dispatches for each of the major contenders in the mayor’s race, alternating among candidates weekly until November. This week: Mark Farrell. Read earlier dispatches here.Outside the cavernous Mission headquarters of the public radio giant KQED on Thursday night, a usually sleepy corner was overtaken with some 20 volunteers holding campaign signs. Inside 2601 Mariposa St.,  perhaps the most anticipated mayoral debate of the election season and likely the last to feature every major candidate was soon to kick off. Campaign staffers for London Breed and Daniel Lurie stood on opposite corners, waving campaign signs while cars passed by and honked. Alongside them stood another 20 disgruntled journalists with KQED itself, rallying to protest what they allege is illegal outsourcing and centralizing of television engineering jobs. The some 170 attendants streamed between the two jostling crowds.  The temperature […]

SFUSD school board candidates on supporting educators

Welcome back to the “Meet the Candidates” series for the school board, where we ask each candidate one question every two weeks. They must answer the question in 100 words or fewer. We will link to longer answers.Eleven candidates are vying for four seats on the city’s seven-person school board. The election will take place on Nov. 5. Non-citizen parents of children living in the city are permitted to vote in school board elections, and can find information on doing so here.The San Francisco Unified School District kicked off the year with more than 100 educator vacancies. In response to the SFUSD’s financial troubles, the state has stepped in to oversee the district’s spending, including spending on hiring, which leaders of the teachers union say has delayed the process of filling those vacancies. The process has been hard on educators: […]

What Mark Farrell would do in his first 100 days as mayor

Mission Local is publishing campaign dispatches for each of the major contenders in the mayor’s race, alternating among candidates weekly until November. This week: Mark Farrell. Read earlier dispatches here.With less than two months to go until Election Day, Mark Farrell is putting the jigsaw pieces of his plan for San Francisco together. The mayoral candidate revealed on Wednesday he would not open up Market Street to all cars (just to ride-shares like Lyft and Uber), but would upzone downtown, remove members of the police commission, and declare a fentanyl state of emergency. He said he would fire the police chief and the head of the transit agency, put together a “stop the spread” tent removal team, and make use of expanded mayoral powers he is bankrolling via ballot measure.  “My 100-day agenda articulates a clear plan: A vision for a safer, […]

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